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Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Digital Marketing Podcast Hosted by Greg Bray and Kevin Weitzel

171 Becoming a Home Builder SuperHero - Cory Charles

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Cory Charles of The SuperHero Mindset joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builder sales and marketing professionals can reach new levels of success by discovering the SuperHero within.

Every sales and marketing person has the potential to be a SuperHero, but often we need help discovering the qualities within us that make us exceptional. Cory says,“I believe with all my core, that every single person on the planet has these amazing abilities inside them... sometimes you just need help unlocking what those are. And if you can do that, whether we're talking about sales, leadership, marketing, life, I mean, it goes all the way across the board, it can really put you in an amazing place. Sometimes we just need a little help unlocking and unleashing that.”

To recognize those unique abilities or SuperPowers, it’s essential to control mindset first. Cory explains, “…if you get your mind right, you will get your money right. So, make sure that you're in charge of your mindset. We do a really good job of protecting all the things in our life. We protect our cars with alarms. We protect our houses with locks. We protect all the things in our world, but we don't protect our mindset. So, protect your mindset. Make sure that you're around the right people, having the right conversations, listening to amazing podcasts like this to really better yourself.”

The other part of realizing your SuperPowers is to simply just be your true self. Cory says, “…really, really understanding that to be at the highest level of success you have to be unapologetically you. You have to be your most authentic self…Man, that is a good place to be, especially when you come from sales, marketing, online sales, whatever you want to call it. If you're in that place of being your authentic self, I call it unapologetically awesome, that really bleeds into every conversation you have because people feel that genuine nature coming from you, and they feel your desire to help and assist and transform lives. They can feel it from within.”

Listen to this week’s episode to learn how to unlock the SuperHero you have inside.

About the Guest:

Cory “Kxng” Charles, is a Totally Awesome, Dynamic, Super Exciting motivational speaker, author, sales trainer, and Founder of The SuperHero Mindset. Just a kid from Brooklyn as he likes to say, who is dedicated to helping others, including the Underestimated and Overlooked (and especially his Introverted friends) break through their limiting beliefs and achieve their full potential by discovering their own unique SuperPowers. A Human Potential Accelerator if you will. Turning Lambs into Lions daily!

With a background in sales and a passion for psychology (SalesOlogy), he has a unique perspective on the psychological barriers that can hold us back and the strategies we can use to overcome them… oh, and with Style of course.

His burning passion (Hotter than 1,000 Suns) for personal development and human betterment began early in his career, and he has spent nearly two decades sharing his message with audiences around the world in a way that is engaging, interactive, and truly unique. He is a content creator and writer of several topics on motivation, personal growth, and peak performance including my soon-to-be best-selling books "The SuperPower Handbook: Discovering and Unleashing Your Unique Abilities" and “The TOTALLY AWESOME Introverts Guide to Sales Excellence & World Domination.”

As a speaker and trainer, he is known for his captivating and energetic presentations and has delivered keynote speeches at conferences and corporate events that leave audiences feeling inspired and motivated to discover their own unique SuperPowers. He has also trained thousands of individuals on how to increase their productivity and performance by breaking through their limiting beliefs and achieving their goals.

With his passion for human betterment and his proven strategies for success, he is a truly exciting and unique force in the world of personal development. He is dedicated to helping others, especially those introverts become Unapologetically A.W.E.S.O.M.E., break through their limitations, and achieve their dreams in sales, leadership, and in life! And of course, we always Spread Love…It’s the Brooklyn Way ???????


Greg Bray: [00:00:00] Hello everybody and welcome to today's episode of The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine.

Kevin Weitzel: And I'm Kevin Weitzel with Zonda Livabl.

Greg Bray: And we are excited today to welcome to the show, Cory Charles. Cory is the founder of the Superhero Mindset, which we're gonna find out all about today.

Welcome, Cory. Thanks for joining us.

Cory Charles: Oh, thank you, guys. Like I mentioned before, this is exciting for me more than anything. I get to hang out with some really cool gentlemen and talk about some fun stuff. So, thank you, guys.

Greg Bray: Well, it's our pleasure. So, let's start off, Cory, just help people get to know you a little bit. Tell us a [00:01:00] little bit about yourself.

Cory Charles: Yeah. Like you said before, we'll talk about the SuperHero Mindset, but I always tell people the best way to describe myself is I'm just a kid from Brooklyn. We moved to Florida when I was really young. And I was blessed to have really amazing parents that instilled a lot of confidence in me, but it sent me down a really weird path. And I stumbled into sales by accident and within that, fell in love with sales and fell in love with training and coaching and leadership and all those great things, and above anything else, I just love people. So, I'm happy that I get to play in that sandbox all the time and deal with people and help people unlock their inner SuperPowers.

Kevin Weitzel: So, that's what we're gonna get into, which is unlocking those inner SuperPowers. However, as you well know, we need to know something personal about you that nobody knows. Well, maybe not nobody, but nobody will find out until they listen to this podcast. Something non-business related.

Cory Charles: Non-business related. That's a hard one. So, I'll give you two levels to that. So, the first level is I actually, of all things have a graphic design degree. Which is, I know the [00:02:00] most weird journey to sales and sales training.

But I think the one on a really, really personal level, I don't talk about often, but I have two amazing boys. I actually have a third on the way. I can't stop making boys. My oldest actually is autistic. And a lot of people don't know that. I don't talk about it a lot, but he has inspired me to really go down this path of unlocking SuperPowers cuz even though he has challenges, he has some amazing SuperPowers of his own. So, that's really started this journey in a really cool way.

Greg Bray: Awesome.

Kevin Weitzel: So, I have to know before we actually run down the actual digital marketing and sales end of the tunnel, your favorite superhero.

Cory Charles: Oh man. It's been a tie. I've been struggling with this since I was seven years old. It's Spider-Man, it's Superman on different days depending on how I'm feeling. But if you force me to pick. I will definitely, I'm gonna have to go with Spider-Man. I like the plucky underdog, so I'm gonna go with Spider-Man.

Kevin Weitzel: That's Marvel and DC.

Cory Charles: Yeah. It's funny, if you ask me, young Cory, 99% of my comic books were Marvel, but I always had that kind of soft spot for Superman.

Kevin Weitzel: All right, [00:03:00] so quick follow up. Who's your favorite villain?

Cory Charles: That's a deep cut. That's a deep cut. So, you'll see I have a couple of villains behind me, which I know is not very heroic.

Kevin Weitzel: I see it. You actually have one of my favorite villains behind you.

Cory Charles: I personally love Thanos and I love Magneto. So, just cuz we're gonna stick with the color scheme. I'm gonna go with Magneto. I think it's just a very layered villain, but I think Thanos is amazing as well.

Kevin Weitzel: How much more layered can you get though than Thanos? The guy literally had to destroy half the population. That's a tough decision. All based because, on his home planet, people were literally starving and dying from overpopulation. He had to choose to hit the button to randomly get rid of 50%.

Cory Charles: That's a tough call. What I really appreciate about him more than anything is he had a mission, right or wrong, whether you agree with it or not, and he was like, I'm seeing this thing out to the total end.

Greg Bray: All right, if I can reel this back just a little bit.

Kevin Weitzel: Please reel it back, Greg. Come on. You never let the Kevin take over, ever.

Greg Bray: Well, Cory, give us a little bit more about how you went from graphic design to sales, and then more [00:04:00] specifically into some of your new home experience.

Cory Charles: Yeah. Fantastic. The quick story of that, again, I talk about having really amazing, supportive parents. I'm the youngest of three, definitely still the baby by no stretch of the imagination, and my parents were very awesome. But also once I turned 18 and graduated high school, they said, Hey, we love you, but get out. So, I had to get out and I had a car payment, I was going to school full-time. Cause that was the caveat is you gotta get out, but you're still going to school full-time. Figure out life.

I appreciate my parents immigrated from Trinidad, so they just have that work ethic built in. So, with us it was, Hey, you're 18, see you later. And I had to figure out, man, I'm going to school. I'm getting this graphic design degree because that's the thing I guess I like the most, you know, big comic book nerd. The simple answer was I needed to be able to still go to school full-time, make enough money to pay for my car and pay for my apartment, and all the things that you do when you're 18, 19, 20, 21. Right?

So, I had to figure out how to make a lot of money in a short amount of time, and I had a friend that worked at CarMax, a local car dealership and said, Hey man, I work [00:05:00] a couple of days a week. I make a ton of money. It's super easy. And I'd never sold anything in my life. I was one of those ones that says I can't sell anything. That's not my personality. I'm very introverted. Not for me. But he convinced me somehow to try it out. And I stumbled into sales. Totally got good by accident. No special talents there. Just got good by accident. But just being a really good student watching the best ones in front of me.

And then that just trickled into my new home sales career, which was always for me, the next step after I got out of auto was to move into new home sales. I knew that real estate was the light at the end of the tunnel. I just had to figure out how to get there. So, I figured out, got into new home sales, and then quickly learned that I loved training and I loved working with not just the new generation of salespeople, but also the folks that have been doing it for 20 years.

I say if you've been doing it for 20 years or 20 days, there's always stuff that you can learn. That's always been an exciting part about what I do, to get people to either remember the things that they used to do that they forgot or really see the light bulbs go off for the first [00:06:00] time when someone just gets to learn something really cool.

Greg Bray: Well, let's dive in a little bit deeper then into SuperHero Mindset. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is kind of new for you, right? It's your new venture here in the last few months Been seeing some splash on social media about it and some of the things you're doing but tell us more about the company, what you guys are about, and what your services and target audience are.

Cory Charles: It actually started from me being totally selfish, right? It started from me knowing that I started in sales. I did not have great training. I don't wanna speak bad about any of the organizations I was with, but you guys have seen it. A lot of times it is, Hey, you're a brand new kid. Here's the book of training. Go sit in the corner. Good luck. Right? That was very much my upbringing in sales, whether it was auto or new home sales. I was lucky enough along the way to pick up some really great mentors. I say kidnap, but same thing but pick up some really great mentors along the way that helped me grow into the person that you see today.

So, really that's where it was born, was the idea of, what if I could be the person that Cory needed, young Cory needed, in [00:07:00] 2005? What if I could grow to become that person, and how many people could I impact if I was able to put myself in that position and give those lessons and those skills?

Anyone that's been in any of my classes or my summits or my keynotes, I talk way more about my failures than I do about my successes, just so you don't fall in the same potholes. So, really that's how it was born, was looking back at how I started in the business, and also just a huge love for seeing people really just unlock something within themselves.

I believe with all my core, that every single person on the planet has these amazing abilities inside them. And just sometimes you just need help unlocking what those are. And if you can do that, whether we're talking about sales, leadership, marketing, life, I mean, it goes all the way across the board, it can really put you in an amazing place. Sometimes we just need a little help unlocking and unleashing in that. And that's where I come in.

Kevin Weitzel: Cory, I'm gonna challenge you on that one.

Cory Charles: Sure.

Kevin Weitzel: I don't think everybody has that. I have an ex-wife that I know for a fact can prove your theory wrong. She was about as angry and as hostile a person and a [00:08:00] human being, was she a human being? She might not even have been a human being, that you can find. So, I don't know if everybody has that ability to unlock that. Do they?

Cory Charles: I can't speak to any ex-wives, but I will say that I have a mantra that I want to impact a million people. Until I come across the one that I can't impact, I'll keep it in my back pocket and say, we'll see.

Kevin Weitzel: Maybe we'll sign her up for one of your sessions in the future. Just by surprise, I'll just bring her on you.

Cory Charles: I'll tell you. I'll call you right away.

Greg Bray: Now here's what I wish, Kevin. I wish we could say, as soon as we publish this episode, he'll hit his million mark, right? But unfortunately, we're not gonna quite have that kind of reach, Cory.

Kevin Weitzel: We'll fall just a hair short, but still we'll get close.

Cory Charles: I was talking to a good friend of mine the other day. I was talking to Chris Hartley, actually a good friend of everyone I think in the industry.

Kevin Weitzel: Literally

Cory Charles: Literally everyone. And I told him that mantra of impacting a million lives. And I said, honestly, I hope that in the very immediate future, I have to change that number. I have to change it to 5 million or 10 million. That to me is an [00:09:00] amazing, amazing gift to be able to impact that many people. Cause I know if I can impact someone like an ex-wife, that trickles down to the people that they're around and they get to impact other people and it just spreads and it grows like a wildfire. So, that's the mission.

Kevin Weitzel: So, two questions. One, this is a silly question. Did Chris Hartley try to get you into his weird zombie cult of doing Ironman?

Cory Charles: He did. So, I got grandfathered out of it. I have heel spurs on one of my ankles, so it's really difficult to run. So I just said, Hey, I'm out from the beginning.

Kevin Weitzel: Okay, which is great cuz Ironman is crazy, just so you know. But my second portion of that question is that you're no slough, you're not like just some guy that goes, Hey, you know what? I'm positive. I want to teach positivity. I want to help people unlock things. How did you get to where you are? Like, where did you learn? You did mention CarMax, but what other places have you touched their facilities, their systems, their ecosystems, and then also learned from those ecosystems?

Cory Charles: Oh, man, that's huge. That's such an amazing question. I'll say, part of it was yes, [00:10:00] definitely just having that amazing upbringing, really hardworking parents. I always tell the story, my mom worked while my dad went to school. My dad worked when my mom went to school and they flip-flopped just to make it work which was always amazing to see as a kid. So, just that understanding that sometimes life's gonna be difficult and you just gotta fight through it. You can't complain about it.

That was the beginning, but definitely starting in CarMax. What a great system to learn and grow in and see just a different way of sales. Certainly a different way of my perception of sales at the time. And I'll tell you, in my transition from CarMax into new sales, I did a little pit stops. You know, I'm one of the weird ones where I say, Hey I want to gather some more experience and some more challenges. So, I tried to push myself into the hardest things I could possibly do before I thought I could graduate.

So, I did door-to-door sales, I did business-to-business sales, I did timeshare. I did everything you could think of to try to strengthen that muscle of, Hey, listen, in this business, we're gonna take a lot of no's. There's gonna be more negatives than positive, and you just have to be able to [00:11:00] weather that storm. Sometimes literally when you're talking door-to-door, you're walking in the rain, you're walking in the snow, all kinds of crazy stuff like that.

So, I think it was a muscle that was built up over time. It's certainly not a perfect system. I think people have the impression that I'm positive all the time. No, definitely not. But I just understand how to channel that energy in the right way. If I can look at things that I can control and worry about those, and the rest, I just have to work through it. It's put me in a place that it's almost zen-like I would say, where you just worry about the things that you can control, and the rest, it's just part of the journey.

Greg Bray: I love the focus on helping people, you know, making a difference. Let's dive in a little deeper. Let's find some ways to help people. So, tell us about some of those roadblocks or things that get in the way of people achieving really that top potential. What are you helping them overcome as you start to talk and train and coach?

Cory Charles: Yeah, I mean, that's a huge question too, and you guys are on fire today. I can think back to not only when I came up in the business, [00:12:00] but just the many, many people I've trained over the years, and it comes down to usually the same things when I ask people what are the things that hold them back? And sometimes we are not aware of all the things, but I hear a lot of really big words. I hear fear of rejection. I hear about the limiting beliefs. I hear about not understanding or not believing in their full capabilities, lack of confidence. I hear a lot of those really, really big things.

You know, again, where this was all born from is if we can understand that, hey, listen, not every single successful salesperson has to be this personality, has to be this type of person, has to be super outgoing, the gift of gab, that doesn't equal sales success automatically. Once we get past that roadblock and then we really start to figure out, Hey, what makes you special? What makes you unique?

If you're an introvert like I am, maybe you're a good listener, maybe you pick up on the little nuances within the language. Maybe you pick up body language really well. There are a lot of things that we all can do. It's just figuring out what that is. And then I think where we get real fun, especially when we talk about [00:13:00] sales or any discipline, is I take that SuperPower, I call it, or that strength that you have and let's apply it to your process. Whether it's your sales process, whether it's your work process, let's apply it to your process, and that's when you really get on a rocket ship to some really cool places.

Greg Bray: Fear of rejection. I can totally understand that one. The idea that people don't think big enough, right? They don't reach, they don't go for it. I think that gets in the way of all kinds of sales and marketing opportunities. Let's not try the new campaign because we've never done it before. And we might get in trouble if we spend money and don't get any new leads, or gosh, this market's too hard. I can't work through what's going on.

So, there's a lot of builders out there today with sales and marketing teams that have only been around for the last three, four, maybe five years. Right? And what they have seen in that time, it started off, three, four years ago. Wow. Things were just flowing no matter what you did. You could almost just show up and there was a sale. Now it's like they hit a wall a year ago with [00:14:00] interest rate changes and everything else that have kind of changed the buyer. And now we're working through some of that. How do you keep people motivated with so much change and uncertainty that's going on right now in the market?

Cory Charles: Oh man. You know, if I could go into my time machine, go back three and a half years ago, I had a colleague that said, Hey, what is something that worries you? What keeps you up at night? These are conversations we like to have, right? I said, man, I am really fearful of the kids. I call 'em kids regardless of how old you are. But I said, I feel really fearful for the kids that are growing up in this market because I know if you sold through 2008 or any of the other kind of up and down years, this is not reality.

And it really made me fearful of the kids that only know this, only know sunshine. And that's something that I've tried to be really, really mindful of and really kept a lot of focus on of, Hey, what can we do to make sure that the folks that are new to the business, that did start two years ago, or maybe they were out of the business for a long time and came back. What can we do to make sure that they're properly [00:15:00] trained, they're adopting technology, they're not afraid to learn new things, take risk, sticking with the trends?

It's really important to make sure that we develop, and I talk about this a lot with leaders, is that we developed this culture of continuous learning. This culture that says, Hey, even though things are really great now, it's gonna change. How do we make sure that we're always market proof, right? I know that's a buzzword, but how do we make sure that we stay in front of the shifting market, and what are the tools and skills that we can learn and use every single day that will make us successful whether the market's up, down, interest rates are through the roof, they're in the basement. What are those things that we can do consistently that will make us successful?

And usually, it comes down to, again, understanding who you are as a salesperson and really taking the time to understand the person in front of you. Whether that's digitally or that face-to-face conversation. How do you understand the person that you're talking to or trying to talk to in the case of marketing? Who's the person you're trying to talk to? What are they going through, what are they feeling, what are they experiencing, and [00:16:00] how can we connect with them?

That's all really important stuff, and I think unfortunately, those are skills that we didn't have to use over the last couple of years because, like you said, it was more of a fire sale. You know, I'll get you in if I can deal. And now it takes a little bit more work to get folks to that place where they can make a decision. Right?

Greg Bray: You mentioned there that we have to learn how to get to know people digitally, not just face-to-face. Tell us a little bit about, in your journey, how you've seen that communication with the prospective buyer change as the digital has grown in the process.

Cory Charles: Oh, it's huge. You know, I had a great trainer tell me a long time ago that things are very different from how they were even 5, 10, 15 years ago, where every bit of information had to come through us. That's no longer the case. You guys know this very well. Most of the buyers walk through the door and they have a lot of information. Sometimes they have more information than we do.

So, the idea that we are that gatekeeper of information, it's just not true anymore. So, understanding that, hey, they're gonna come in [00:17:00] pretty prepared for the most part. How do I understand them on a deeper level? How do I understand exactly what this decision, this move, how is it gonna impact their lives and how much is it gonna impact their lives is really important?

Even looking at my own journey, at the start of the Pandemic, I was on the road like a madman. I was traveling every week or every other week at the least. And I remember looking at my wife and saying, man, I wish I could just get a little bit of break just a little bit of time off. And then, silly me, a global pandemic hit and then we were shut down for a really, really long time.

But, In that time I saw us using things like Zoom and Teams and us using technology and training salespeople on how to do video calls with their buyers and how to walk models and show it via video, or via FaceTime, and really get to understand them on a different level without the benefit of that face-to-face. Even myself as a trainer, where I was in love with the stage, and then it was taken away, and then, oh man, I gotta learn a new bag of tricks. Now I'm [00:18:00] virtual. I don't have all the pizzazz. You can only see half of my suit, not the full suit. So, it was learning how to adapt to that part of the business.

It's interesting because I think that the business was probably heading in that direction anyways. It just happened probably a lot quicker than anyone expected. But change is good. Change is a good thing. And I think this allows us the ability to get in front of more buyers and get in front of more people on a deeper and more consistent way. It's a good skill that we needed to learn.

And I saw people at the beginning of the pandemic panic and just say, I can't sell virtually, no one's gonna buy. I. The house is gonna fall down. I need to leave the business. You guys probably heard it all. And then what happened? We had some of the craziest months in the history of months. So, it's just learning that new skillset and not being afraid of change and understanding that this is all part of the Heroes Journey, as I call it. And sometimes you gotta take a step back to run forward, so.

Greg Bray: You talked about helping people overcome their fears. What about these salespeople who fear being replaced kind of with the [00:19:00] buy online kind of push and things there, and how would you address that type of fear of technology basically?

Cory Charles: If you're smart, technology's your friend because as great as technology is, as amazing as it is to really enhance what we do, it doesn't replace the person. It doesn't replace that one-to-one communication when it comes to this type of purchase. We're talking about a home, which is the biggest purchase that you'll probably make if not one of the biggest purchases you'll make. There still has to be that human contact.

Now, maybe my kids and my kids' kids, maybe they'll feel differently. But as far as today, I can probably say that people still need to have that one-on-one connection. They still need to feel like they are part of this bigger process. Now what we can do with technology can really, really help and it can get us down the road faster. But definitely to get us across that finish line, there still needs to be that person to tie the two things together.

And until Elon Musk invents an AI that can make people feel all the emotions, until that day, I think we're still [00:20:00] good. We just have to remember that is our role in the process, is to tie the logic to the emotion. And we can talk about the square footage and the whatever the product is, it doesn't even have to be home. So, we can talk about the thing, but until we can tie that to the emotion, it's a really, really uphill battle.

Kevin Weitzel: That brings up an interesting point because, with today's technology, people are coming in being like these pseudo-experts. They know the square footage. They already know, in some cases, the price. They know the layout of the home. Even some of the options that they want because all that tech is there for them.

I've told guys, and this is way back to the way back time machine, back to even bicycle days, is that the person coming in, they've already sold themselves. They've driven outta their way, they've driven through the Arizona heat to get to you, in our case. They already know they want it. All you have to do is get outta their way so you can let them not have an excuse not to buy. Be their friend. Find a way to connect to 'em. I'm right there with you. So, you're preaching to the choir. Apparently, you didn't see my long-flowing robe today.

Cory Charles: That was good. That was really good. I think personally, [00:21:00] I think you're spot on. I think they're looking for two things. I think they're looking for A, permission to buy, right? And sometimes it is us just getting outta the way and making sure that we reaffirm to them that, yes, this is a good decision that you're making. And also I think they're looking to eliminate the competition. If there is three or four that are serious contenders, I'm just looking for something that makes me not feel right. It could be the most minor thing.

And that's where I tell salespeople, you can't afford to walk into your sales center or pick up your phone as an online salesperson or whatever it is your task is, you can't afford to be at 80% that day. Because the person that you're gonna talk to needs you at a hundred percent and you don't know which person that's gonna be. It could be everyone you talk to, but they need you at a hundred percent and 99 won't cut it.

So, that's why it's really important cuz that one little thing that just doesn't feel right. I talk a lot about light bulbs and spiderwebs. I know it's silly when we talk about walking models, but sometimes that simple thing of something doesn't feel right will be enough to take 'em off the track, [00:22:00] or at least, at the very least, slow down your process a lot longer than it needs to be. Right?

Kevin Weitzel: You don't know who that next person's gonna be. I love that. And I've used that before. I used to say, you turn your you show on for everybody. You never know who it's gonna be, but yeah. That's funny that you would say literally the exact same thing. I love it.

Cory Charles: We're right here. Right here.

Greg Bray: We've talked with builders before about one of the first things that a website visitor is actually trying to do is eliminate them because there's so many options, especially when, you know, you're one click away from a whole nother company. Kind of based on what you're saying, there's some of that happening when they're walking in too, right?

You've made it through a few hurdles online, you know, in their research and everything else, and they're trying to find a reason, is this really what I think it's gonna be? And I'm looking for that negative. Oh, okay, there's the catch, or here's the thing I didn't know, or the gotcha, or whatever. So, we gotta realize that people, they want it, but they don't wanna make a mistake. They're terrified of making a mistake.

Cory Charles: Well, it's funny, through millions of years, well probably hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, we are conditioned to be more cautious [00:23:00] than anything else, right? So, even if we like it, if I have a list of five homes that I really like I'm looking for, where's the red flag? Where's the thing that's not gonna make it feel right? Because we go with our guts a lot. So I gotta look for, hey, is something not right? Cause then I just gotta move on to the next one.

So, understanding that even though the person comes in and they like your home or they like what you have to offer, one little thing, your energy being off or just not having the right kind of engaging conversation, could send them down the wrong path, and that puts us in a world of trouble.

Greg Bray: So, wanna be respectful of your time today, but a couple more questions that I'd love to get your feedback on.

Cory Charles: Sure.

Greg Bray: The kind of a big one for me is people are nervous about change, right? They're comfortable moving forward and that can be one of those big roadblocks that gets in the way is it's just, it's different, right? It's not the way we did it yesterday. What would you say to those leaders, whether, you know, somebody on the marketing team saying, Hey, we're gonna do this now and we're gonna give away this information earlier in the process? Or the sales team, you know, is coming in with, Hey, you've got this [00:24:00] new and better CRM you've gotta use or whatever, and it's just different. How do you help motivate the team with the change that can come faster than ever now with technology?

Cory Charles: Well, yeah. I think the first thing, just like any conversation I have with sales team, sales leaders is always starts with your mindset and understanding that anytime you see a change, whether it's a little change or a big change, it's always an opportunity for you to level up.

So often we don't look at it that way. We look at a challenge as a negative and, oh, here's this challenge. How is this gonna affect me negatively? And I think if we can shift our mind to be excited about the challenge and say, okay, cool, this is an opportunity for me to get better at X or for me to get better at whatever it may be. If you can have that mindset shift, then you'll get really excited about what the change is, and again, see it as an opportunity to just get better.

I remember dating myself. I remember when DocuSign was a new thing and I was on a team that just hated the idea. They did not want to do it. They were just scratching and clawing and just did not want any part of it. And I [00:25:00] was very much the new kid on the team and I raised my hand and I said, I will learn this thing in and out and I will be the dang expert of DocuSign, cuz I know in my gut it's not going anywhere. So I might as well be the expert of it and make sure that I'm in a position where I can not only learn and make my process more efficient, but I can also give back to the other people on my team.

And that was the beginning of my journey into training officially was being able to say, Hey, this is a challenge and I don't know it, and I'm by no means a computer programmer or anything like that. But if I can take on the challenge and really take it as an opportunity to level up, it's gonna put me in a better place. And it's absolutely been transformative. And that has been my philosophy with all kinds of change is like, Hey, this is an opportunity to get better at this thing. And how can I use that to then impact other people?

Greg Bray: All right, Cory, here's the big one, right? What's the one big takeaway piece of advice that you wanna leave with folks today? Motivate us.

Kevin Weitzel: Woohoo. Strap in, sit down, stand up. Do whatever you gotta do to listen to what this [00:26:00] man has to say right now.

Cory Charles: A couple of things. Number one, a simple quote that I always leave my teams with is, if you get your mind right, you will get your money right. So, make sure that you're in charge of your mindset. We do a really good job of protecting all the things in our life. We protect our cars with alarms. We protect our houses with locks. We protect all the things in our world, but we don't protect our mindset. So, protect your mindset. Make sure that you're around the right people, having the right conversations, listening to amazing podcasts like this to really better yourself. I think it's really important.

And then also understanding that success in sales or marketing or whatever it is that you're doing, whatever your thing is, it's not just about the techniques and tools. The techniques and tools can enhance what you already have. Again, the first thing is mindset.

That second piece is really, really understanding that to be at the highest level of success you have to be unapologetically you. You have to be your most authentic self. And I'll challenge anyone on the call to think about a [00:27:00] time where they were just themselves and their leader let them be free and they didn't have the pressures to try to change and they were just them.

Man, that is a good place to be, especially when you come from sales, marketing, online sales, whatever you want to call it. If you're in that place of being your authentic self, I call it unapologetically awesome, that really bleeds into every conversation you have cuz people feel that genuine nature coming from you and they feel your desire to help and assist and transform lives. They can feel it from within.

Now your conversations are not so much about the sale, it's about helping people. And I think, at the root of it, listen, we all love money. I would lie if I said I didn't cuz I like nice suits, but beyond the money, I enjoy helping people and I think that's where these things get to come together. And when you can be just yourself and you're not putting on the salesperson outfit, it really bleeds through in your conversations.

Kevin Weitzel: It's no secret that Cory Charles is one of the greatest dressed people in the entire [00:28:00] realm of home building. However, I wanna point out that I logged on first today, so I wish we had cameras, Greg, because doggone it, Cory copied my color today.

Cory Charles: I did.

Kevin Weitzel: Boom. He took a page outta Kevin.

Cory Charles: Listen, Kevin, you can hold that over my head forever.

Kevin Weitzel: Because now it's recorded.

Cory Charles: For the listeners, I said I'm gonna wear pink today cuz that's gonna be unique and you showed up first with pink.

Greg Bray: We're not a video production format here today, so people are just gonna have to take that visual wherever they want to take it, so.

Cory Charles: It's awesome is where they can take it.

Greg Bray: Yeah. Well, Cory, thank you so much for sharing with us today. It's been great to learn more and to learn from your experience. If there's someone who wants to reach out and connect with you, what's the best way for them to get in touch?

Cory Charles: Oh, absolutely. So, of course, they can reach out to the website. That is Of course, you can reach me at I'm on all the socials. You'll probably see me probably an annoyingly amount of times posting on all the socials. I'm quite active[00:29:00] but of course, I'm ready to talk to any single person that just wants to get a shot of positivity and unlock that SuperHero within.

Greg Bray: Awesome. Thanks again, Cory, for being with us. And thank you for listening today to The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm authentically Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine.

Kevin Weitzel: And I'm unapologetically myself, Kevin Weitzel with Zonda Livable. Thank you.


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